In this Statement of Notifiable Matters, “Fleetcare”, “we”, “us” and “our” mean Fleetcare Pty Ltd (ACN 009 243 627, ABN 34 009 246 627) and our related companies. All terms defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014 (Version 2.1) (as updated from time to time) have the same meaning when used in this Statement of Notifiable Matters.
Our handling of credit-related information is regulated by the Privacy Act and the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code (as updated from time to time). Because credit-related information is a type of personal information, this section should be read along with Fleetcare’s Credit Reporting Policy for detailed information about our collection, use, storage and sharing of personal information.
Credit-related information includes both credit information and credit eligibility information.
Credit information is personal information that may have a bearing on credit that has been provided to you or that you have applied for, including credit for personal, investment or business purposes.
Credit eligibility information is information related primarily to your credit-related dealings with other credit providers and comprises of "credit reporting information" disclosed by a credit reporting body to us, and information we derive from that information.
With respect to your credit-related personal information we deal with and will likely disclose your credit-related personal information to the following Credit Reporting Bodies (CRB):
- Equifax Australia Information Services and Solutions Pty Limited ABN 26 000 602 862 (Equifax) PO Box 964 North Sydney NSW 2059 (website:
Equifax may include the credit-related personal information we disclose in reports it provides to credit providers to assist them to assess your credit worthiness.
You can obtain a copy of our Credit Reporting Policy (our policy about the management of credit-related personal information) from our website ( or you can ask us for a copy in a form that suits you.
You can obtain a copy of Equifax’s credit reporting policy (Equifax's policy about its management of credit-related personal information) from Equifax’s website (shown above).
If you fail to meet your payment obligations in relation to consumer credit you have, or you commit a serious credit infringement, the relevant credit provider may be entitled to disclose this to a CRB.
Under the Privacy Act and as further set out in our Credit Reporting Policy, you have the right to:
- access the credit-related personal information we hold about you,
- ask us to correct that information, and
- make a complaint to us.
You have the right to ask that a CRB not use your credit reporting information for the purposes of pre-screening of direct marketing by a credit provider.
You have the right to ask that a CRB not use or disclose credit reporting information about you if you believe, on reasonable grounds, that you have been, or are likely to be, a victim of fraud.