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End of Lease

So what happens when your lease ends?
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When your Fleetcare Novated Lease ends...

The end of your lease can seem like a complicated time but we’re here to help explain all of your options to ensure you get the best benefits when that time comes. With a variety of options to choose from, Fleetcare will assist you in making the process seamless whilst ensuring you have all the information you need to make the best decision for you.
Three months from the end of your lease, our novated team will be in touch to discuss your options. We can provide quotes and pricing that are specific to your needs and help to answer any questions you might have about what happens next.

What are my options at the end of my lease?

You're in good hands with Fleetcare

The quickest way to your next car

You can trade in your existing vehicle (or sell it privately) and upgrade with a new lease. This is our most popular option to keep all the benefits and savings of your novated lease, while upgrading your vehicle to the latest model with the latest technology, safety features, fuel economy and new car warranty.

We encourage you to think about the new car you might like and let us know. We can then provide a new quote and check payment prices on a variety of new car options for you.

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Keep your car and the benefits of a lease

If you want to keep your existing car, you can refinance the residual amount for another lease term. Your residual amount would normally be due at the end of your lease, however we can refinance this into another lease term and combine your running costs so that you can continue to benefit from the convenience and tax savings of a novated lease.

If at any time during this refinance,if you’d like to upgrade your car, we can arrange a new lease and dispose of your current vehicle.

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Finalise your lease

To finalise your lease completely, you can arrange to payout the residual amount and the car is yours. This will mean that you’ll no longer get access to the benefits, tax savings and convenience of a novated lease.

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Want to know more about the end of your lease?

We'd be happy to discuss your options with you!

Disclaimer: Fleetcare does not provide tax advice. We recommend all customers source their own independent financial advice.