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What to do if you're involved in a car crash

Being involved in a crash is a stressful experience. Whether at fault or not, crashes can happen anywhere, anytime. When a crash does occur, Fleetcare can help you manage this process making it easier for you to be back on the road.

In the event of a crash, you should take the following steps:

Immediately after the crash

  • Stop your vehicle and remain calm.
  • If the crash is minor and the vehicle can be moved safely, turn on hazard lights and move to the side of the road.
  • Regardless of who was at fault, do not admit liability until the crash can be assessed by your insurer.
  • If the police have been called, stay at the scene of the crash until the police arrive.

Who do I contact?

  • If anyone has been injured, call an ambulance immediately on 000.
  • Call the police on 000 if any person is injured, or either vehicle requires towing.
  • Contact your company Fleet Administrator and Fleetcare on 134 333, as soon as possible to assist with vehicle towing, repairs, and insurance claims.

What details should I collect?

For insurance purposes, it is recommended that you record as much details of the crash that you can. Our driver app has a form ready for completion and is available on Google Play and the App Store.

Record the following details regarding the crash:

  • Police Officer Details
    • Name
    • Identification Number
    • Police Station
    • Station Phone Number
  • Crash Information
    • Date of Crash
    • Time of Crash
    • Location of Crash
  • Other Driver Details
    • Name
    • Address
    • Phone Number
    • Licence Number
    • State
    • Insurer
  • Other Driver Vehicle Details
    • Make & Model
    • Registration Number
    • State
    • Colour
    • Damage
  • Take photos of the crash

Download the app now on Google Play and the App Store, and find it by searching the term 'Drive Appy'.

Need further assistance?

If you require urgent attention, call 000. Otherwise we will respond to your query within business hours.

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