What to do if you're involved in a car crash
Being involved in a crash is a stressful experience. Whether at fault or not, crashes can happen anywhere, anytime. When a crash does occur, Fleetcare can help you manage this process making it easier for you to be back on the road.
In the event of a crash, you should take the following steps:
Immediately after the crash
- Stop your vehicle and remain calm.
- If the crash is minor and the vehicle can be moved safely, turn on hazard lights and move to the side of the road.
- Regardless of who was at fault, do not admit liability until the crash can be assessed by your insurer.
- If the police have been called, stay at the scene of the crash until the police arrive.
Who do I contact?
- If anyone has been injured, call an ambulance immediately on 000.
- Call the police on 000 if any person is injured, or either vehicle requires towing.
- Contact your company Fleet Administrator and Fleetcare on 134 333, as soon as possible to assist with vehicle towing, repairs, and insurance claims.
What details should I collect?
For insurance purposes, it is recommended that you record as much details of the crash that you can. Our driver app has a form ready for completion and is available on Google Play and the App Store.
Record the following details regarding the crash:
- Police Officer Details
- Name
- Identification Number
- Police Station
- Station Phone Number
- Crash Information
- Date of Crash
- Time of Crash
- Location of Crash
- Other Driver Details
- Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- Licence Number
- State
- Insurer
- Other Driver Vehicle Details
- Make & Model
- Registration Number
- State
- Colour
- Damage
- Take photos of the crash
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